Meet Sara
Christian Writer, Speaker, and Consultant
Sara B. Anderson is a wife, mother of five, writer, speaker, Christian apologist with her Masters of Divinity in Christian Apologetics and Juris Doctorate, and founder of Fruits of Faith Ministries. Sara uses her education and experience to empower parents to raise the next generation of faith on the firm foundation of God's truth. She provides the necessary tools and knowledge to help mothers reach their goals by supporting four pillars of a strong biblical family: Bible Literacy, Biblical Marriage, Parental Authority, and Early Child Training.
Here's What Women Are Saying About Sara B. Anderson
courses & counseling
Where do moms turn for objective support and guidance based on sound biblical principles and sustained success in child training, life balance, and purpose? You came to the right place. Sara has the experience and training in motherhood and mission to help get you unstuck and balanced to lead your most abundant life in every season.
Sara’s coaching in early child training helps moms understand why getting to our children first matters as well as support you step by step as you take this counter-cultural, but biblically-based approach to raising the next generation of faith. Sara will open your eyes to new tools that are working against our best efforts to teach our children the way they should go.
Do you know why you believe what you believe? Today, with culture marketing counterfeit ideologies, having answers to this question has never been more important. Apologetics is the discipline of defending our faith, but without arguing. If we want to preserve our faith and offer simple, logical, and loving responses to those who challenge our faith, we must have a baseline for our beliefs. This course provides the foundation.
Sara is a certified facilitator of the Prepare/Enrich program, which she fuses with her training in pastoral counseling to offer an effective and biblical approach to building biblical marriages. Prepare/Enrich is the #1 Premarital and Marriage assessment for over 35 years. Combined with trained guidance to identify and work through growth areas and build upon strength areas, couples who complete the program are more likely to report marriage satisfaction.